идејата за оваа лимонада е од еден сајт за здрава исхрана/вежбање/слабеење, каде што пишува дека оваа лимонада помага во одржувањето рамен стомак. не можам да тврдам ништо за рамниот стомак, ама тврдам дека пијалоков е многу освежителен, особено за топли денови како денес.*
scroll down for the recipe in english
многу лесно се прави: во 2 l вода ставете 1 средна краставица, излупена и исечена на кругчиња, 1 лимон, исечен на кругчиња, 1 лажиче рендан свеж ѓумбир и 10тина ливчиња свежо нане. оставете го сето тоа во фрижидер неколку часа или преку ноќ и следниот ден ќе имате ладна освежителна лимонада.

the idea for this lemonade came from a health/fitness/nutrition site, where it says that this drink helps maintaining flat belly. i don’t know about the flat belly, but i know that this lemonade is very refreshing, especially in a hot day like today.*

it’s very easy to make: in 2 l water add 1 medium cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced, 1 lemon, thinly sliced, 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger and around 10 spearmint leaves.
leave in the fridge for a few hours or overnight and in the morning you’ll have a cold and really refreshing drink.


* also try our iced green tea elixir with lemon and ginger.


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  1. Љупка

    Лимонадата е неодолива, многу освежителна. Јас додадов и сок од еден лимон за појак вкус. Благодарам за рецептот!

  2. Clarissa R.

    Can you tell me what brand the teapot is?? Looking for one like it. Thanks

  3. Definitely will make this today! Thanks 🙂

  4. Clarissa, i don’t remember the brand of the pitcher, it was very old, from my grandmother, and i think it was from Bulgaria. it was very nice, made from thin glass and heatproof, but unfortunately it broke.

  5. Does this have to be done everyday? The water is really good and refreshing, I feel though as if I missed something. I used and followed the directions as given here. Good to know its simple if that’s all it is. Thanks

  6. Judy B. from PA.

    I will definately try this,but I DO NOT want to maintain the belly fat,I want to GET RID OF IT..ha ha JUST JOKING,I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN.

  7. Ba

    The teapot is made in the Czech republic by the company Kavalier under the brand SIMAX. Here are the pages in English.

  8. Yes, BA, that’s the pot’s brand. thank you. there are more beautiful things on the site, too.

  9. Sounds good! I will try this 🙂

  10. Erica

    Could you use some lemon juice instead of an actual lemon? I have plenty of lemon juice on hand and no lemons so I am just wondering if I could use that instead…and if so, how much of it? thanks! 🙂

  11. erica, i’m sure you can use lemon juice. i sometimes put juice of one lemon along with the lemon slices. but, i can’t tell you how much juice to use, you need to experiment to get the flavour you like.

  12. E

    Do you just drink this once a day?

  13. Dani

    Are you suppose to drink the whole 2L in the day or just a glass?

  14. E and Dani, it’s best to drink 2L a day, but it’s not a strict recipe, you can use it just as a refreshment in hot summer days.

  15. Has anyone actually seen a weight loss by drinking this? Just wondering. And, do you have to use the fresh ginger?

  16. Lori M

    Sounds refreshing, wondering too if anyone has actually LOST weight by drinking this. And by ‘detoxing’ does this include all the ‘junk & heavy metals’ our bodies hold?

  17. Brianna

    Yes, I would like to know if people have seen results such as weight loss and dextox and a fress body feeling? or is it just a nice drink?

  18. JFarrell

    i also would like to know if anyone has lost any belly fat from this drink… i have done made mine it is very good but i want to know if it really works for belly fat.

  19. i think this lemonade helps more with bloating than belly fat. please, google “sassy water” to find more about it’s effects.
    we usually make it for it’s refreshing taste and like an energizing drink.

  20. Stephanie

    I really want this pot but can’t figure out how to order it from the website posted above 🙁 Anyone know how to?

  21. Patti

    If I’m right this is not a teapot but actually an old Mr. Coffee pot from the 60s-70s.

  22. Olivia

    Does the water have to hot first to start the steeping

  23. no, the water doesn’t have to be hot. i use tap water.

  24. mrsgroffus

    Does fresh ginger need to be used or can I use powdered ginger? Thanks!

  25. i think you can use powdered ginger. i suppose the taste won’t be as strong as with fresh ginger.

  26. meme

    how long should it stand before drinking……

  27. Blondie

    I use hot half boiling water and half cold…that way you can add a few green tea bags in the mix.

  28. You might want to use filtered water or spring water without chlorine & flourine if you want to detox.

  29. Shirley

    I still want to know HOW MUCH IS “2L” Somebody please answer

  30. shirley

    8 cups is 2 liters but can the stuff be used more then once

  31. tina

    what could I just instead of mint leaves, can’t find the mint leaves.

    • sitnoseckano

      Tina, you can try to use basil, or just make it without mint leaves. The taste will be slightly different, but refreshing

  32. Maria

    I checked out the sassy water link and it states to drink the whole pitcher by the end of the day ,its approximately 8 1/2 cups . It also says to add a teaspoon of ginger witch i didn’t see on the receipt.

  33. I will definitely try this one!

  34. Julie

    I would love to hear more success stories about it helping start the weightless process.

  35. ginna

    How often are u suppose to drink this? Jusy once a week, once a month etc???

  36. When you are done drinking the water, can you fill it back up and start all over do you need to make a whole new batch with fresh ingredients?

  37. Kenneth

    Shirley 2L is half a gallon, I would like to hear some success stories, does this actually work, today is NY first time trying it 1/15/13.

  38. Roxanne

    I need this in English?

  39. I can not wait to try this for the detox effects! I will however, use all organic plus filtered water.

  40. Katie

    Today was my second day drinking it. I cant say i lost weight from it or anything but i feel good and not so heavy. Im going to adf some celery next tine i go to the store i think it needs a little salty taste. Its teally helped me drink all my daily water and less caffeine packets and juice!

  41. unique henderson

    this is very refreshing and delicious this is my 2nd pitcher and it wont be my last do you have any recipes for more veggie dishes let me know?

  42. can you use dried mint leaves instead of the fresh?? I can get the fresh leaves in summer time from my mother in law as she planted mint leaves. wintetime, easy to use dried.

  43. sure, monica, try it with dried mint leaves.

  44. Selena

    I am on my third pitcher, I have the whole 2 liters a day but it makes me pee a lot thru the day. I have to finish way before bed otherwise it has me up all night, is this a side effect for anyone else? I use one lemon, one cucumber, mint leaves and grated ginger chilled overnight.

  45. Marisa

    Sounds great, but here are my thoughts:

    1. Dried mint leaves and powdered ginger won’t work as well, because the cold water doesn’t allow the flavor to be released as much as with fresh ingredients.

    2. The powdered ginger won’t dissolve well in cold water.

    3. By using lemon juice, you lose the added benefits of limonene, which is a good chemical found in the lemon peel. It helps dissolve gallstones, among other digestive wonders.

  46. Meredith

    I just made this and drank my first day of it. But I am wondering, when you are done drinking the water, can you fill it back up and start all over do you need to make a whole new batch with fresh ingredients?

  47. Erica

    This waste horrible tasting! I had to dump it out, it kept gagging me

  48. tanya

    Is there a substitute for the lemons?

  49. tanya, i haven’t tried it with anything other than lemons, i suppose you can use limes or grapefruit.

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